The Start to Great Culture & Leadership

  • Published on February 14, 2022 – LinkedIn Article

‘Biology: an environment conducive to growth’

If ‘culture eats strategy’ then cultivating it has to be the top priority!

Welcome to the First Edition of the PeopleChamps Newsletter where we can journey together to share our best ideas and thoughts of how to develop the very best in people, leadership and culture!

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you who LOVE Leadership and Culture Development!

This monthly newsletter, as well as future live audio and video streams will provide a forum for these conversations. Follow and share this newsletter as you journey with us, and leave your comments to add to the ideas, or ask questions so we can uncover varied perspectives or best practices together. IF you are also interested in contributing to future newsletter articles, or streaming conversations please either DM me here on LinkedIn, or leave your message here and I will follow up with you.

The first thing we will talk about in the March edition of PeopleChamps are some initial definitions of culture and leadership. How can we can we cultivate the best environments conducive to growth if we cannot identify or define the ingredients and principles likely to create what we are striving for?

Resources: Video, Book, Questions, Quote for the month ahead…

Check out this TED Talk to learn 6 principles from nature’s biology and ecosystems that may help us understand how to build better culture and organizations that stand the test of time. Another resource to consider is the sister book to Good to Great by Jim Collins, Built to Last. Built to Last is a great resource regarding company culture, ideology, etc.

  • What is your favorite definition of leadership? Of organizational culture?
  • What are some of your favorite elements to creating the best environment for leadership and culture to thrive?
  • Are there principles you have observed that work across most/all cultures?

…the critical issue is not whether a company has the “right” core ideology or a likable core ideology but rather that it has a core ideology – likable or not – that gives guidance and inspiration to people inside that company.

Jim Collins, Built To Last

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